How do I cancel my subscription(s)?
We’re sorry to hear that you’d like to cancel your Close Shave or Replenishment Plan. Before you cancel, we want to offer the ability to skip your next order, select a specific shipment date or adjust…
by Freebird
We’re sorry to hear that you’d like to cancel your Close Shave or Replenishment Plan.
Before you cancel, we want to offer the ability to skip your next order, select a specific shipment date or adjust the frequency of your plan to fit your needs.
You can update or cancel your membership at any time directly through your account and self-service member portal.
Cancelation Instructions:
- Click Here to login to your self-service member portal
- Select "Manage Subscriptions"
- Select "Edit" for the specific active subscription you would like to cancel
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, and select "Cancel Subscription"
- You will be prompted to answer a few questions to help us better understand why you want to cancel
- Press "Continue to Cancel" and proceed to confirm your cancelation
If this didn't work, please try the following:
- Ensure you're submitting the email that matches you order receipt
- Once correct email is confirmed, try logging into this link
- If you run into any troubles, please reach out to us at and our team will be happy to help!
How did we do?
Will I be notified before I get charged for my Close Shave Plan?